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Rest assured that we're building a future of accessibility and innovation. Stay tuned for what's coming! Our database and wiki are nearing completion to bring cutting-edge assistive technology resources. In the meantime, join our LinkedIn group for news, announcements, and updates as we prepare to launch!

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George Kayange


The Assistive Technology Innovation Wiki is a database and wiki that showcases assistive technology (AT) innovations and other related accessibility matters for people with disabilities. This initiative is spearheaded by George Mwika Kayange, a doctoral researcher at Loughborough University in London and a member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP). The project is an extension of the work he has been involved in for many years in the AT sector, particularly in Southern Africa.


The AT Database and Wiki showcase various AT product and service innovations available on the market, both low-tech and high-tech.

Although this project is indirectly linked to George’s doctoral research, it is also part of his long-term goal of establishing a global forum for AT innovations. The Assistive Technology Innovation Forum (ATIF) brings together AT sector stakeholders to exchange information and experiences on various topics related to accessibility and AT access for people with disabilities and other AT users.

The forum is estimated to launch by December 2025. In the meantime, you can join the LinkedIn group.

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Blog Articles


While working with SAFOD, George Kayange managed a project—dubbed AT-Info-Map—that developed a mobile app to map AT products and services in Southern Africa. One of the project’s key outputs was an AT Guide developed with the support of the University of Washington to showcase various AT products and services available on the market, both low-tech and high-tech. The AT Guide describes each AT type and category and how it supports people with disabilities and other AT users.

Webinar on Assistive Technology Business Innovations

From 28th to 29th September 2021, the Southern Africa Federation of the Disabled (SAFOD) and Loughborough University organised a webinar to explore and share innovative business solutions that, if well supported, could help to increase access to assistive technology in Southern Africa. More on the webinar leaflet here.

Key Question

How can we leverage business innovations to reach an estimated 85–95% of people with disabilities who need assistive technology (AT) in southern Africa?

Download Speeches and Presentations

The event drew speakers from academia, research institutions, disability organisations, and small and medium-sized assistive technology entrepreneurs in Southern Africa, the USA, and the UK. All speeches and presentations can be downloaded here.

Playback: Watch Recorded Webinar

If you missed it, you can watch the recorded webinar and learn about emerging assistive technology innovations and entrepreneurship trends in Southern Africa and globally. Access the Zoom recording here.

Webinar speakers

What Users Say About the AT Database & Wiki

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